What Does the Constitution Say?

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You are about to discover the secret…

…of why we are where we are today, seemingly, powerless with nothing but a vote. The founding documents of the United States of America called the Organic Laws were written to limit government. But no one has fully understood them until now!

For over two hundred years, scholars and patriots have studied the Constitution of 1787 to figure out how to limit government.

Most people don’t know that in order to understand what the Constitution says, they have to understand the FIRST 3 Organic Laws. The Constitution is the final part of the Organic Laws.

The chief purpose of the four Organic Laws is to regulate and control government, not you. When hearing the words “Organic Laws”, you might think they are about food regulation. But they aren’t.

These laws are far more important. They are the founding documents of the United States of America, which means no statute or code should conflict with principles set forth in these documents.

Merriam-Webster defines “organic” as “of, relating to, or constituting the law by which a government or organization exists”. In the front of Volume One of the United States Code, you will find the heading Organic Laws of the United States of America.
The four Organic Laws listed, in the order of their occurrence, are:

  1. The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
  2. The Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777
  3. Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787
  4. Constitution of September 17, 1787

The Declaration of Independence says there shall be no taxation without our consent. Therefore, this principle should be adhered to in the Internal Revenue Code. In fact, it is!

According to the Articles of Confederation, the states of the United States of America are “free and independent”, i.e., sovereign, and yet the federal government seems to be in a dominant position over those states. How is this possible?

In each State’s statutes, hidden in plain sight, lies the answer awaiting your discovery.
The Declaration of Independence states: “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

Clearly, the Organic Laws have established the principle that government needs your consent to govern you. This being true, you should be able to find in the Statutes and Codes how to give your consent. Furthermore, the Organic Laws or the Statutes and Codes should contain an option for those who choose not to be governed.

When you become a subscriber, you will find that the Organic Laws clearly provide the way for you to be self-governed.  You will also see that with a little sleight of hand, just like a magician, government bureaucrats have you seeing and thinking what they want you to believe.  And, they can play the role of innocent while they deceive you, since it is your responsibility to know the law.

Government bureaucrats rely on your ignorance of the fact that all written law is limited to a specific subject. For governments, the subject is territory. Thus, Congress cannot write laws for Japan. Furthermore, Congress cannot write laws to regulate you without your consent, unless the United States of America owns the property on which you are located.