Written Law Is Developed From Organic Laws

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Your home to gather insight to Ed Rivera’s research and educational resources.


We have two ways for you to join with us in supporting and utilizing Ed’s vast research and experience in both written and unwritten law, spanning over 20 years.

If you are unfamiliar with Ed’s work, keep reading this page and other materials that are accessible and at no charge.  You can subscribe to Ed’s email for Organic Laws news, updates and posts at no charge. Fill out the form on the right.

If you have been following Ed, as many of you have communicated, you can start right away with the next phase of learning.

  • Enroll in Organic Laws Institute as an Annual Subscriber for $100/yr., giving you access to over 700 posts and the entry level for the course. Enroll here:
  • Enroll as Student in Ed’s Basic Course in Law and Government for $650, no expiration date. Read the description and benefits Click Here
  • Or enroll directly here: 
  • If you are concerned about every day type of legal issues (not connected to government) and need access to a full service law firm for business, family or personal issues pertaining to statutory/written law, click on this link > Read about Ed’s special offer to include 1 yr. OLI subscription or deduct $100 off the Basic Student Course, for those who enroll in a $20/mo. legal plan. Be sure to do your homework on what they do and don’t cover. This service is not connected to OLI, but we can recommend it because the provider firms in each state are chosen for their reputation for distinctive service.


WHY is it important to learn about the Organic Laws?

It may not have happened to you yet. But chances are extremely high that you will be deceived and cheated by written law because you were not taught about how they are limited. Readers who have had any dealings with lawyers or courts know exactly what we are talking about. However, there is hope.

The Organic Law Institute (OLI) makes it possible and relatively simple for every interested American to learn written law by studying its true and original source – the Organic Laws of the United States of America. “Statutory laws are subordinate to the higher constitutional laws of the land”.

What you have not been taught in school is that the four Organic Laws of the United States of America define America and limit the territorial jurisdiction of the Congress of the United States to the territory belonging to the United States of America.

The Organic Law Institute is the product of Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera’s research into the Organic Laws of the United States of America as the foundation for all the written laws in America.

In keeping with the great hope of America, the first two Organic Laws recognize the natural state of mankind as a state of freedom.

The third and fourth Organic Laws make it possible for any American to reject the natural state of freedom and consent to be governed as a member of a political state.

The Constitution, as the fourth Organic Law, makes the consent to be governed possible by making the necessary adjustments to the other three Organic Laws.

The Organic Law Institute will teach you practical law not taught elsewhere. 

You will learn how to:

  • Attain and maintain your freedom.
  • Read and understand written law and its proper application.
  • How to question authority and limit it to its lawful purpose.
  • Reduce the size and cost of government.
  • Eliminate government regulations.
  • Eliminate dictatorships outside the United States.
  • Live a life based on integrity and independence.

The Curriculum at Organic Law Institute Is Unique.

OLI is based on Information discovered by Ed (AKA Dr. Rivera) after many years of painstaking research to correctly interpret the Organic Laws of the United States of America.

After his discoveries Ed posted his work on the Internet for peer examination and evaluation.  Those discoveries have now been organized into courses, which will reveal the secrets of the Constitution and the written law in online seminars and social media.

Ed has many years of training in both government.  Read About Ed to see his background.

Ed Rivera, a man who values truth, was disbarred by the State of California Supreme Court in 2006 after he employed his knowledge of the Organic Laws to limit the federal government and deny territorial jurisdiction to a State of California court.  He is no longer an officer of the court. Instead he has chosen to humbly share his discoveries of the truth with those interested in living a life based on integrity and independence.