Writ of Certiorari challenge
This past week I received a booklet in the mail, Petition for Writ of Certiorari. The question presented for review:
Whether a court of general jurisdiction is authorized to extend its jurisdiction beyond the boundaries fixed therefor by the Constitution, into geographic area fixed by the Constitution exclusively for the courts of limited jurisdiction.
I predict that this petition will be denied and the Supreme Court will have a sound reason for its denial. The Supreme Court has already decided that United States District Courts are territorial courts. If there were district courts possessing Article III judicial power, they would be called District Courts of the United States.
Men of the highest legal caliber wrote the opinions that support these conclusions. President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft wrote the court’s opinion in Balzac and Republican Party presidential candidate and Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes wrote the court’s opinion in Mookini.
Despite my gloomy prediction, I urge everyone to read, study, distribute and share this petition until men and women learned in true law are restored in their property and their reputations. There are among us those who have experienced the brutal orders of the territorial judges in these courts yet they deny the truth of what this valiant petitioner describes. Reach out to these territorial court deniers with the contents of this petition.
If you find the contents of the petition difficult reading, you may want to supplement with material taken from my Posts. You hereby have my permission to use quotes from my Posts on the federal territorial courts in your communications with others. For the most thorough treatment of the federal territorial courts our books “What Happened to Justice,” are the most complete resource available anywhere.
Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera